MUniCS: Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity (UVigo-UDC): Presentation and Conclusions

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On May 24, the  Cybersecurity Master’s Degree (MUniCS) was presented at the School of Telecommunications of UVigo as the result of the  commitment of the University of Vigo and the University of A Coruña to get involved and support the Galician business, by training the professionals that are needed to face the  current and future challenges in the field of Cybersecurity and Information Security.

In this presentation we had the intervention of numerous professionals of the sector, as well as our CEO’s, Iago Fortes, in representation of  “Rede Galega de Ciberseguridade“.

Of these interventions, we would like to highlight those related to the professional perspectives of the Cibersecurity Sector. It is estimated that in 2019 the Global number of positions related to  Security will be over 6 Million. However, it is believed that in 2022 there will still be a deficit of 2 million positions.

Focusing on Spain, Galicia is the fifth region in with the most presence of the IT sector (generating a total of 22,000 jobs  last year).

Do you have any further questions about the contents of the Master? Are you interested in enrolling the course?  You can check  the information on the MUniCS website or on the Uvigo website.

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