Interview with Estefanía Vaquero

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Today at Inprosec Human Capital we present Estefanía Vaquero, Information Security and SAP project manager.

What is your function within Inprosec?

Since I started working at Inprosec I have been part of the Projects team. I am a project manager in both the Information Security and SAP areas. I also collaborate in the management of internal initiatives and am involved in the management of InprOTech.

On the other hand, within the Projects Department, we watch over the Quality of the projects, mainly by carrying out periodical reviews to help detect possible risks and deviations that could damage the projects in progress and by requesting feedback from the clients once they have been completed.

I am also responsible for a colleague whom I assist in her professional development.

What would you highlight about your role in the company?

I would highlight my role as a project manager as it constantly forces me to step out of my comfort zone and into continuous learning, as each project is unique and as such must be managed.

What has Inprosec meant to your professional career?

Inprosec has given me the opportunity to be part of a growing sector with a great future, making it possible for me to specialize as a project manager despite having no previous experience in this field.

How do you manage to reconcile your personal and professional life?

Inprosec offers great flexibility to be able to reconcile personal and professional life, as we have policies that allow us to work from home, flexible hours (2 hours a day), we have Friday afternoons free and continuous days in August.

Tell us an anecdote that has caught your attention at some stage in Inprosec.

One aspect that surprised me a lot when I entered Inprosec, is the particular way of “reminding” any member of the team of the company’s security policies, who forgets to block their computer while they are away from your site. Because if that happens, there’s always some colleague willing to take your screen offline, send a compromising email to the rest of the office, or put on some embarrassing wallpaper. Although it has never happened to me before, I certainly consider it a fairly effective method as fewer and fewer colleagues forget about the unlocked computer.

What do you value most about working for a company like Inprosec?

There are many aspects that I value very positively about being part of Inprosec, but without a doubt the good work environment and recognition of effort are the most relevant for me.

As an employee of a company that specializes in cybersecurity, what is your advice to any entrepreneur who is starting out with respect to their systems?

I think it is very important to take information security into account from the beginning, and especially to train and raise awareness within the team, as people are the weakest link in terms of security.

What are your hobbies at the end of the working day?

What I most enjoy doing in my free time is traveling and spending time with my family and friends. I also love to play sports and I’m a tireless reader.

Who do you “nominate” to interview next and why?

I nominate Analí Saavedra, a colleague from the Finance Department, whose interview will undoubtedly be very interesting

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