

Forum AUSAPE 2022 Summary

Last June 1st and 2nd we had the honor to attend the XVII AUSAPE Forum “Digital Humans” in Seville. Our CEO, Iago Fortes and our Commercial Director Roi Fortes were the lucky ones who were…
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ISMS Forum 2022 Summary

Once again Inprosec has attended an ISMS Forum event, in this case the third edition of the Galicia Regional Forum. Held on April 7, in the Auditorium of Abanca in Vigo. During the session, the…
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Manipulating Modbus

In today’s post, “Manipulating Modbus”, a new article by Saber Mhiri,, CRO (Chief Research Officer) of InprOTech. He explains some basic knowledge of ICS and its architecture and then introduces Modbus as a standard ICS…
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9th Cybersecurity Forum

Last week, our executive Roi Fortes, accompanied by our CEO Iago Fortes, attended telematically the 9th Cybersecurity Forum organized by the ISMS Forum and the Cyber Security Centre (CSC). During the event, we attended several…
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CybersecurityEmployment offer

Job offer: Inprotech

Do you want to launch your career in the industrial cyber security sector? Do you have a degree in technology or industry? At Inprotech you will have the opportunity to develop professionally in our industrial…
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CybersecuritySAP GRC

SoD Risk Matrix for SAP GRC

David, our SAP Business Line Department Manager, explains the steps to be taken to define our own risk matrix for segregation of duties (SoD) in an SAP system and the strategy for designing compensating controls.…
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RSA Conference of San Francisco

From February 24th-28th, Inprosec represented Spain for the first time at the RSA Conference in San Francisco, one of the most important cyber-security events in the world. Thanks to ICEX and INCIBE, several Spanish companies…
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ISMS Forum: VII Cybersecurity Forum

La Séptima Edición del Foro de la Ciberseguridad de ISMS Forum tuvo lugar el pasado 20 de septiembre en el Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid. Junto con numerosos profesionales de la seguridad de la información y la ciberseguridad, nos hemos…
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New selection process! R+D+i Manager

  Buscamos un perfil para la investigación y desarrollo sobre sistemas de control y monitorización industriales, para el desarrollo de sistemas de procesado automático de logs industriales con la perspectiva de que en el corto…
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